Argos Fire Protection Ltd are one of the few fire protection companies who carry out dry riser work in-house. We cover the entire South West Region from our head office based in Exeter.
We have qualified engineers, a wealth of experience with dry risers, and can maintain and commission any type of dry riser system. We will happily work on behalf of other companies, see our subcontracting page for more information.
Did you know?
All buildings over 18m in height or more than 45m from fire brigade access are required to have a system of dry rising fire mains or “dry risers”.
Any person responsible for such a building (usually the Owner/Landlord, Managing Agent, or Facilities Manager) is legally required to organise dry riser testing.
More than 60% of dry risers in England and Wales are not currently being maintained and tested in accordance with the British Standard (BS 9990:2006).
Your buildings insurance is probably invalid if the building’s dry risers (or other fire protection equipment) have not been correctly inspected and tested as per the British Standard.
What we do:
Dry Riser Testing- Six Monthly Visual Inspection
This test involves a visual inspection only, with any missing or damaged items notified and replaced. Argos Fire Protection will check the operation and/or condition of the following: valves, straps and locks, outlet washers, blank caps and chains, hand wheels and nuts, landing outlets, inlet cabinets, doors and glass, inlet breaching valve springs and rubbers, signage.
Should the system’s pipework be altered (e.g. building alterations, extensions etc) then a full recommissioning flow test will be required.
BS9990:2006 (Code of practice for non-automatic fire-fighting systems in buildings) states that maintenance and repairs should be carried out by a competent person. With Argos Fire Protection Ltd you can be confident that dry riser testing will be carried out fully in accordance with the Code of Practice by our engineers.
All our Dry Riser engineers are fully trained. We are registered with BAFE, members of IFEDA, SAFE Contractor approved, and fully insured.

Dry Riser Testing- Annual Wet Test
Argos Fire Protection will visually inspect the dry riser installation as described in the six-monthly testing below. We then pressurise the system with water to 10 bar using our specialist test rig for a minimum of 15 minutes. If the system fails to hold pressure then all accessible inlets, outlets and joints are checked for leaks and any missing or faulty items notified. If items are replaced then a further pressure test will be carried out. The system is then drained and left ready for use. Certification is issued on satisfactory completion of the dry riser testing.
- Dry Riser Testing- Annual Wet Test
- Dry Riser Testing- Six Monthly Visual Inspection
- Competency
Call us on : 01392 205000 - 01209 596587