As one of the oldest methods for tackling fires, portable fire extinguishers have stood the test of time as a reliable and cost effective fire safety measure.
Portable Fire Extinguishers are usually one of the basic requirements of a fire risk assessment. Here at Argos Fire, we can ensure that we are able to help you comply with your fire risk assessment requirements for fire extinguishers and also The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Argos Fire can supply, install and service all types of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with BS5306-8 & BS5306-3.
We are BAFE accredited to SP101 & our Fire Extinguishers Engineer's hold a BAFE Diploma of Competence, giving you the peace of mind that all our works are 3rd party accredited.
Types of Fire Extinguishers we can provide:
Powder extinguishers contain a dry powder which is suitable for use with fires involving wood, paper and textiles (Class A), flammable liquids (Class B) and also live electrical equipment. There are various sizes available. The smallest extinguisher (weighing in at only 1.0kg) is suitable for use in cars, caravans and boats, whereas the larger ones are more suitable for factories where the fire risk is greater.
Water extinguishers are best used for putting out fires involving paper, wood and textiles (Class A), but they cannot be used on fires involving electrical equipment. These are the most common extinguishers, found in offices and schools. The water extinguisher comes in a variety of sizes (9 litres is the standard), and also comes in much smaller sizes by using an additive (3 litres is standard).

Carbon Dioxide extinguishers offer a clean and extremely effective method for putting out fires involving flammable liquids (Class B) and are also very suitable for live electrical equipment. Because the cylinders are made out of aluminium, the weight of the extinguishers is reduced dramatically. This makes it easier for use by the operator. Because C02 is a gas, there is virtually no mess from the extinguishing agent itself, making this the ideal choice for people in the hi-tech and industrial trades.
Foam extinguishers are excellent for dealing with multi-hazard situations like paper, wood and textiles (Class A), and those involving flammable liquids (Class B). They offer rapid knock down of flames and have a smothering effect by covering the surface of the liquid with a blanket of foam. The foam extinguishers come in several types, ranging from 2 – 9 litres, depending on the risk involved.
Wet Chemical
Wet Chemical extinguishers are the best cooking oil fire extinguisher you can purchase. Tested and certified to both BS EN and BS7937, this extinguisher gives you maximum protection especially for Class F fires. The fine spray gives almost immediate flame extinguishment while the wet chemical agent reacts with the oil to form a soap-like film to seal the surface of the oil and cool it down.
F-500 is an Encapsulator Agent which is the answer to many of today’s firefighting challenges. In a world where fires have become hotter and more difficult to extinguish, F-500 Encapsulator Agent’s unique capabilities meet those challenges. First, F-500 EA has a remarkable ability to cool a fire and surrounding structures. Secondly, F-500 EA encapsulates fuels forming micelles or “chemical cocoons” that render the fuel non-flammable and non-ignitable. This is what makes the F-500 EA ideal for protecting against Lithium-Ion Battery Fire risks.
Hose Reels
All too often fire hose reels can be installed and then forgotten about. Hose reels need to be serviced annually in accordance with BS 5306 Part 1:2006 to ensure they will operate correctly in an emergency.
Argos Fire Protection Ltd is fully qualified in the inspection and maintenance of fire hose reels and we offer an on-going fire hose reel service agreement, so you never have to think about your hose reels again.

Call us on : 01392 205000 - 01209 596587